Category: Sidequest

Sidequest: TWO long; didn’t write

Been a while, huh? Welcome to another Sidequest, the show where we do whatever the hell we want under the guise of research and documentation—essentially, Mythbusters. This is gonna be another ‘things that don’t really deserve their own article’ edition, which is always fun to write since it takes all pretenses of cohesion and thematic…
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Sidequest: too long; didn’t write

Welcome again to another Sidequest, which is consequently the first article of 2021 for me. And boy oh boy, after what an absolute shitshow of a year 2020 was, it’s only fair to start off with a Sidequest. I’ve touched upon a few different topics with the articles I’ve written so far, and as always,…
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Sidequest: What I done did

Sidequest #3, eh? Time for some next-level rambling, cause boy do we have a topic fit for that: my projects! See, while completely shitting on other people’s work is rude, completely shitting on your own work is actually a good thing. Being “self-critical”, whatever that means. Whichever way you spin it, if you have nothing…
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Sidequest: Harsh Truths

Howdy! Welcome to another Sidequest, where we have another topic, but the same kind of semi-coherent ranting, raving, and rambling, courtesy of yours truly. So, I wrote this article thing regarding beginner mistakes, but the original idea was to write about the harsh truths of game design. Y’know, the shit no one tells noobs because…
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Sidequest: Terrible Templating

Welcome to Sidequest, a sporadic column thing that will pop up when there are things that I want to “discuss” (read: rant about), but don’t deserve an entire fully-fledged article. Expect semi-coherent ramblings, a reasonable amount of F-bombs, and just whatever came to mind at the time of writing. Today’s topic is one that is…
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