Category: Uncategorized

Teaching Games By Design: Making Good (Part 3/3)

The past couple weeks, I’ve talked about how to assess and categorize players’ knowledge of a game and what things tend to limit players’ engagement with your game. Today, I’m going to talk about making your game approachable to players and how you can work within the framework of the concepts we’ve discussed to make…
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Teaching Games By Design: Barriers to Knowledge (Part 2/3)

Slightly more than a week ago I talked about understanding knowledge in the context of a game designer’s scope of work, and today I’d like to go over the barriers that often face players who are seeking to learn a game. Note that I’m talking about barriers and not assets here. Traditionally in education or…
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Teaching Games By Design: Understanding Knowledge (Part 1/3)

Howdy, everyone, I’m K, the head honcho over at Loreshaper Games. In addition to making my own games, I also do freelancing within the industry and have a background in education. I was also a game reviewer for DriveThruRPG for a while, so I’ve seen more games than I can shake a stick at.  Today…
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