MOPED Lessons: Parameterization

It’s part 3 of 5 for the MOPED principles, and today we’ll be looking at that old crowd favorite: Parameterization. Just the word itself is a mouthful, and considering the amount of things that can go wrong (or right) when it comes to parameterization, we’d best start dismantling this mechanical monstrosity. Definition Parameterization – The…
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MOPED Practice: Optimization tidbits

Time for some more MOPED. This time, however, we’re not doing a deep dive into a specific principle (the MOPED Lessons series handles that). Instead, we’ll talk about specific techniques and/or details related to Optimization. These are techniques learned from experience that help smooth the flow of gameplay and reduce overhead for the players. Local…
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MOPED Lessons: Optimization

Welcome to the second of five articles where we take a deeper dive into the principles that make up MOPED. Last time we talked about Modularity, and how it helps to structure your project into easily-manageable chunks. This time, we’ll be taking a closer look at Optimization—why do it, how to do it, and finding…
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MOPED Lessons: Modularity

Alright, let’s get this show on the road. This is the first of the detailed posts I’m going to do regarding MOPED (link to the outline/concept here). As the title suggests, we’re gonna be tackling the topic of modularity in games. To that end, I’ll be splitting this article in a few distinct sections, and…
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MOPED Lessons: Introduction

Last post I mentioned something called ‘my MOPED design principles’, and I intend for this article to be a brief overview and introduction to each of them. I’ll be doing a full article on each of the five principles, going in detail and with examples from games I’ve played or have worked on. Talking about…
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