Tag: discussion

MOPED Lessons: Parameterization

It’s part 3 of 5 for the MOPED principles, and today we’ll be looking at that old crowd favorite: Parameterization. Just the word itself is a mouthful, and considering the amount of things that can go wrong (or right) when it comes to parameterization, we’d best start dismantling this mechanical monstrosity. Definition Parameterization – The…
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MOPED Practice: Optimization tidbits

Time for some more MOPED. This time, however, we’re not doing a deep dive into a specific principle (the MOPED Lessons series handles that). Instead, we’ll talk about specific techniques and/or details related to Optimization. These are techniques learned from experience that help smooth the flow of gameplay and reduce overhead for the players. Local…
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Boredom, inverted.

Hi, I’m InvertedVertex, one of the writers for the TDA blog. I’m a hobbyist game designer, and I’ve been actively working on games for about 3-4 years now. I like making games that are simple to learn and setup, while keeping them highly interactive and engaging. On here, I would write 2 types of posts:…
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